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I am encountering the “Could not get content for /printnode_base/static/src/css/status_menu.css” error after migrating Odoo to a newer version. How can I resolve this issue?

I am encountering the “Could not get content for /printnode_base/static/src/css/status_menu.css” error after migrating Odoo to a newer version. How can I resolve this issue?

This is a known issue with the Odoo migration script. When migrating, Odoo retains static assets from previous versions of installed modules, which must be manually removed. To address this error, please run the following SQL query:

DELETE FROM ir_asset WHERE path LIKE '%printnode_base%';

To proceed, you should initiate the upgrade of the Direct Print module.

Caution! Executing raw SQL queries can pose significant risks, therefore it’s advisable to seek guidance from your technical specialist.

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