How to cancel orders from Odoo to Shopify

How to cancel orders from Odoo to Shopify

We have implemented a two-step cancellation process for cancelling sales orders imported from Shopify.

  • Cancel order in Odoo

  • Cancel order in Shopify

The initial step involves the standard Odoo cancellation procedure. If the order is confirmed, you will see the standard wizard to approve the cancellation of order in Odoo

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Following this initial action, the Sales Order in Odoo will be cancelled.

Important: After completing the first step, the Odoo order will be cancelled and cannot be undone, even if you close the wizard or skip the second step.

The next step involves cancelling Sale order on the Shopify side. Users have the option to provide additional information regarding the reason for cancellation, staff notes, restocking inventory, issuing refunds, and sending customer notifications – all of which will be executed solely on the Shopify side rather than in Odoo

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Furthermore, in some cases when an order in Shopify has been paid and includes shipped products, cancellation of the order on the Shopify end is restricted until fulfillments are cancelled. Users may encounter an error message indicating this situation.

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In such instances, kindly activate the “Cancel e-Commerce Fulfillments” checkbox to initiate fulfilment and order cancellation within Shopify.

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