Will products created in Odoo be automatically created in the e-Commerce System?

Will products created in Odoo be automatically created in the e-Commerce System?

Newly created Odoo products will be created automatically in the e-Commerce system only if below 2 conditions are met:

1) On Sales Integration we switch on functionality for exporting products from Odoo to e-Commerce system on “Automatic Jobs“ tab. Checkbox “Enable Product Template Export Job“

2) Checkbox “Auto-export new products” is set on sales integration on “General“ tab.

In this case a newly created product is automatically associated with this integration and you can see this on the “e-Commerce Integration” tab of the product.

Important! By default only products that has “Internal Reference” field defined (on all variants) will be auto-exported. Because “Internal Reference“ field is required to make sure that there will be no duplicated products created. See below screen.

List of fields Required for Initial Export of the products to be triggered are defined here. By default this is only “Internal Reference“

In case you want to exclude specific product from synchronization you can:

  1. Unselect checkbox “Auto-export new products” on sales integration and instead manually define which product should be synced to which sales integration manually on “e-Commerce Integration“ tab on the product form (as shown on the image above)

  2. You can mark specific product with “Exclude from Synchronization” checkbox on product template level. See image below

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