Can your connector be connected to multiple shops (Shopify, Magento, Prestashop, Woocommerce)?

Can your connector be connected to multiple shops (Shopify, Magento, Prestashop, Woocommerce)?

Our connector allows you to connect as many shops to a single Odoo instance as you want. There are no limitations on this. The only golden rule is – for every separate production Odoo database – separate purchase of connectors. Of course, if you have a production + testing instance – no need to purchase a separate connector.

Though, of course with an increasing amount of shops there will be more actions done on Odoo side causing higher load. Meaning that your server’s infrastructure needs to support a growing amount of connections. So for complex situations, if you are not sure and do not have technical expertise, better to order consulting services from us to analyze your specific situation and workflow.

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