Why are all my queue jobs stuck in “Pending”?

Why are all my queue jobs stuck in “Pending”?

Several factors could be causing this. Here’s a breakdown of the most common ones.

Odoo Configuration

Ensure your Odoo instance is properly configured to work with the Queue Job module.

Refer to the installation and configuration instructions: How to install and configure VentorTech connector? – pay particular attention to the “Installation” section.

Jobs interrupted by Odoo restart or stuck during execution

Sometimes jobs in progress can get stuck if you restart the Odoo server.

For solution, check this article: How to automatically requeue stuck jobs in “Started” or “Enqueued” state?

Multiple Odoo Databases

If you’ve copied an Odoo database, duplicate job IDs across databases can lead to this issue.

Solution: Remove the duplicate databases or delete the duplicate jobs.

Background Info: https://github.com/OCA/queue/issues/153

Need More Help?

If these solutions don’t resolve the issue, please contact our support team: https://support.ventor.tech/

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