How do I display product variant attribute values on my ZPL labels?

How do I display product variant attribute values on my ZPL labels?

Our connector provides two methods to include product variant attribute values on your labels:

1. Nested Labels (Recommended)

Watch our video guide to see how to display Many2many/One2many fields, like attribute values, using Nested Labels in the ZPL Label Designer:

Key Points:


Manual Label Customization

If you need more control over how attribute values are displayed (e.g., in a single line), you can customize the label manually. Here’s one approach:

  1. Create Your Label: Design your label in the Designer, including a placeholder field where you want the attribute values to appear. (e.g., use the name field as a temporary placeholder):

  2. Publish and Open in Debug Mode. Publish the label to Odoo, open the label in Odoo with debug mode enabled. Click the “Open Label View” button:

  1. Find and Replace Placeholder. Locate the code for your placeholder field (it will look similar to ^FD<t t-esc=""/>^FS):

  1. Insert Attribute Value Code. Replace the placeholder code with this:

    ^FD<t t-esc="doc.product_template_attribute_value_ids._get_combination_name()"/>^FS

Save the changes:

  1. Test. Navigate to a product variant with multiple attributes. Print a label to see the attribute values displayed:


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