How to add / remove multiple products from specific sales integration?

How to add / remove multiple products from specific sales integration?

If you would like to automatically send products to specific sales integration when they are created in Odoo, you need to check this article

For simple products (no variants) you can define to which integration this product should be synchronized to by selecting checkbox on “e-Commerce Integration“ tab

For Products with variants it is not possible to define on Product Template level which sales integration it belongs to. It should be defined on every variant level.

Because of above settings, it might be complex to individually select sales integrations for every product if there are many products in database. But we have a solution for this.

First of all you have possibility in product / product variants list to search quickly for products that were added / not added to specific integrations.

Additionally in the list view after filtering you can select multiple products and mass add / remove them from specific sales integration. You select needed products and in “Actions“ menu select action with name “Change External Integration“

As you might notice on screenshot above there are several possible actions available for every integration:

  • No Change – this is selected by default. In case you do not want to change any settings for selected products regarding this integration – just leave it like this.

  • Set – if selected then for all selected products and for all their’s variants this specific sales integration will be checked. Note that in case you have “Enable Product Template Export Job“ for this integration (see this article for details) that will also lead to automatic export of this products from Odoo to specified sales integration

  • UnSet – if selected, for all selected products and for all their’s variants this sales integration we will be removed. This will not trigger any export job and will not delete anything (like existing product mappings)

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