Will product information be updated in external system if changed in Odoo?

Will product information be updated in external system if changed in Odoo?

In case you would like to configure automatic sending of newly created products from Odoo to Prestashop / Shopify / Magento 2 / Woocommerce, you can check this article

To enable functionality of auto-sending changed product information from Odoo to Prestashop / Shopify / Magento 2 / Woocommerce you need to follow below steps:

  1. On Sales Integration switch on functionality for exporting products from Odoo to e-Commerce system on “Automatic Jobs“ tab. Checkbox “Enable Product Template Export Job“

  2. Next thing you need to check menu “e-Commerce Integration → Configuration → Product Fields Mapping“. Update will be sent only if product fields that are marked with checkbox “Send field for updating“ are changed on the product.

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